Do Lab-Grown Diamonds Get Really Big?

Diamond Rings
Diamond Rings
Diamond Rings
Diamond Rings

When it comes to selecting a natural or lab-grown diamond, size can be very important. Lab-grown diamonds are available in many shapes and dimensions, ranging from large to small. Many individuals, however, are curious about the size of a lab-grown diamond. If you’re attracted to big diamonds, the lab-grown method opens up a world of possibilities.

Making Of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Advanced machines designed specifically for creating diamonds can be found inside a diamond lab. With advances in technology, the process of growing diamonds can now accurately mimic the conditions under which mined diamonds form—with one major exception: lab-grown diamonds develop extremely quickly.

The common method used to create a diamond in a laboratory setting is the HPHT method. HPHT stands for high-pressure high temperature. To create a diamond seed from carbon, the mechanical press uses extreme temperature and pressure. A distinguishable crystalline structure starts to build when maximal heat and pressure of around 1.5 million pounds per square inch are applied.

Another method is the CVD method, which is similar to HPHT. To grow a diamond, this process uses a piece of a diamond seed. The elements used, however, are different. CVD utilizes vapor gas, high temperature, and low pressure instead of HPHT’s extreme heat and pressure.

Is The Size Of The Diamond Affected By The Growing Process?

Lab-Grown Diamonds
Lab-Grown Diamonds

Since it has been around for several decades, HPHT is by far the most widely used method for growing diamonds. CVD, on the other hand, is rapidly advancing to the top of the industry. In terms of size, HPHT has demonstrated the ability to grow very big diamonds, with sizes exceeding 10 carats.

CVD has narrowed the gap between HPHT and CVD in recent times by continuing to increase its manufacturing capacity from 6-carats to over 9-carats. The world’s biggest lab-grown diamond, a 155-carat disc diamond cultivated via CVD, is the world’s largest.

Given these statistics, it’s difficult to choose between the two processes because they’re both efficient at growing big diamonds. While the two methods are distinct, technological advancements appear to be increasing the size possibilities.

Because of this, the proportions of lab-grown diamonds is essentially limitless. As a customer, this is fantastic news because it means you can get your lab-grown diamond in any size you want. For big diamond rings, lab-grown diamonds are preferred because they are carefully grown without sacrificing their quality or brilliance.

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